Client: I'd like to work on my bingeing. Therapist: OK, can you find the part of you that gets you to binge? C: I don't know. I can sense an agitation. T: Where do you feel this agitation in your body? C: In my solar plexus. T: Can you tell me more about the feeling? C: It's kind of jumpy and pushing. T: Can you relate to this feeling as a part that gets you to binge? C: I guess so. T: How do you feel toward this part? [If the therapist is talking to Self, the answer will be something along the lines of compassion, curiosity, and/or acceptance.] C: I need to get rid of this part; I gained 20 pounds in the last two years. T: So there are parts of you that hate the bingeing part and want to get rid of it? C: Yeah, I guess. T: And it makes sense that they would feel this way, right? C: Yeah. T: See if you can let them know that, and then see if they would be OK if they went into the waiting ro...